About Osteopathy

In 1914 Andrew Still defined osteopathy as:

that science which consists of such exact, exhaustive, and verifiable knowledge of the structure and function of the human mechanism, anatomical, physiological and psychological, including the chemistry and physics of its known elements, as has made discoverable certain organic laws and remedial resources, within the body itself, by which nature under the scientific treatment peculiar to osteopathic practice, apart from all ordinary methods of extraneous, artificial, or medicinal stimulation, and in harmonious accord with its own mechanical principles, molecular activities, and metabolic processes, may recover from displacements, disorganizations, derangements, and consequent disease, and regained its normal equilibrium of form and function in health and strength.[27]

Osteopaths use a variety of techniques to help correct abnormal physical conditions which include back and neck pain, Upperbody-product-3danimation2headache, physical injuries to bones, joints and muscles, and many other physical and functional disorders. A wide variety of treatment techniques are used, which could include manipulation and mobilisation to joints and soft tissues, muscle energy stretches, and cranial-sacral therapy. The Osteopath will use appropriate treatment, after fully assessing the patient.

Osteopaths are front line health professionals and work with other registered health professionals including general practitioners, specialists and radiologists to provide the best service to their patients.

Osteopaths are able to treat ACC claims patients without referral from a medical doctor and refer for x-rays and to other health professionals if required.

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Osteopathy is a well established method of treatment that was founded and developed by Dr Andrew Taylor Still M.D., in the United States of America in 1874. He opened his first school, the American School of Osteopathy, for the training of Osteopaths in 1892 in Kirksville, Missouri. To give some understanding of the philosophy of Osteopathy we should read a quotation from the Founder himself who said quite simply:-

“Osteopathy is based on the perfection of Nature’s work.  When all parts of the human body are in line we have health.  When they are not the effect is disease.  When the parts are readjusted disease gives place to health. The work of the Osteopath is to adjust the body from the abnormal to the normal; then the abnormal condition gives place to the normal and health is the result of the normal condition.” A. T. Still 

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