Essentials – Lower Body

Lower Body Essentials

The Essentials are the most strategic techniques, chosen from the full range of exercises, that will give the greatest relief to the parts of your body that are painful, strained or have suffered injury. These Essential techniques are designed for a quicker response, freer movement and improved function in a more timely fashion. They don't give you the in-depth knowledge required for you to understand the inner workings of each region and get a more in-depth healing response, but they give an overview for you to deal with problematic situations on the run.


Essentials - Lower Back

This ultimate Lower Back regime is recommended for immediate pain and stiffness relief. Improve your lower back mobility and loosen tight muscles to release tension.

To understand fully how your Lower Back functions, take a few minutes to watch the introduction with 3D animation in the Lower Back Chapter as a reference for future problems.

Essentials - Hips and Pelvis

This immediate hip relief technique is recommended for immediate pain and stiffness relief. Improve your Hip mobility and loosen tight muscles to release tension.

To understand fully how your Hips and Pelvis functions, take a few minutes to watch the introduction with 3D animation in the Hips and Pelvis Chapter as a reference for future problems.

Essentials - Knees and Thighs

These simple techniques to relieve tension and pain in your knees and thighs are recommended for immediate relief. Improve your knee and thigh mobility by loosening tight muscles in thighs, hamstrings and adductors.

To understand fully how your Knees and Thighs function, take a few minutes to watch the introduction with 3D animation in the Knees and Thighs Chapter as a reference for future problems.

Essentials - Legs Feet and Ankles

This essential techniques for your legs, feet and ankles brings pain relief throughout your calf, shin and ankles. It is recommended for immediate relief. Improve your mobility by loosening tight muscles in your calf, shin and ankle.

To understand fully how your Legs, Feet and Ankles function, take a few minutes to watch the introduction, with 3D animation, in the Legs, Feet and Ankles Chapter as a reference for future problems.

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