Pubic Symphysis Pain

Pubic Symphysis

The pubic symphysis (PS) is where the two halves of the pelvis join at the front. You can feel it in the midline of your pubic bone under your pubic hair. During pregnancy this can become very painful, Pubic symphysis, pubic sympysis pain, PS, pregnancy pain, lower back muscles, hips and pelvis muscles, pelvic routine, online osteopathy, online osteopath, online on-demand osteopathy, osteopath, osteopathy, stretch for life, online stretching, immediate pain relief, pregnancy PS inflamedincreasingly so as the pregnancy progresses and your abdomen gets bigger.

The PS is a fibrocartilage joint. It’s a little bit like the discs in between your vertebrae, very strong but with a degree of flexibility. This allows the two sides of the pelvis to move slightly independently, which they do when we walk and run. When you go into labour the relaxing hormones cause the fibro cartilage plug to become more elastic. This allows the two sides of the pelvis to separate creating a larger exit for your baby.

The introduction in the hip and pelvis zone which includes 3D animation, will show you clearly what is Pubic symphysis, pubic sympysis pain, PS, pregnancy pain, lower back muscles, hips and pelvis muscles, pelvic routine, online osteopathy, online osteopath, online on-demand osteopathy, osteopath, osteopathy, stretch for life, online stretching, immediate pain relief, pregnancy PS diagramgoing on inside of you. If the PS is painful some time before or after delivery it is likely that there is undue strain on the joint and it has become inflamed. The more the strain, the greater the pain. In my experience there is usually some preexisting strain pattern in the muscles of the pelvis and lower back. These muscles are pulling and twisting the pelvis creating a strain on the front of the pelvis at the symphysis. Typically there would also be problems in your lower back and the sacropelvic region where the sacrum joins the pelvis at the sacroiliac joints. You may not necessarily feel any pain there.

Pubic symphysis, pubic sympysis pain, PS, pregnancy pain, lower back muscles, hips and pelvis muscles, pelvic routine, online osteopathy, online osteopath, online on-demand osteopathy, osteopath, osteopathy, stretch for life, online stretching, immediate pain relief, pregnancy PS xrayIn the clinic I have had a lot of success treating PS pain by treating the muscles of the lower back, hips and pelvis. Typically the Psoas or hip flexor and the Piriformis or deep hip muscle are chronically tight and are disturbing the mechanics of lower back and pelvis. By stretching these two muscles or doing a more complete lower back and pelvic routine PS pain can be alleviated. If you are unsure of the complexity of your situation you may require technical assistance. I recommend that you see an osteopath to get a professional diagnosis and treatment before you continue with the Stretch for Life home based program.

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